Organic Food & Farming Standards
Standards for organic production regulate a very sophisticated and elaborate system of food production – all designed to produce food naturally and to ensure that potentially hazardous synthetic chemicals are kept out of the food chain.
The supply of high quality food, the preservation of taste and nutritional value, the protection of our environment and the maintenance of high standards of animal welfare are equally important to us. It is clear that such a comprehensive undertaking requires comprehensive rules and regulations. Since 1992 Organic Trust has been committed to ensure these rules are adhered to and support our members with the knowledge and expertise to help them comply with these standards.
Organic Trust and Department of Agriculture, Food and The Marine
The Organic Trust is approved by the Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine in Ireland (who have assigned the control code IE-ORG-03 to the Organic Trust); by DEFRA in the UK to facilitate our organic inspection and certification services in Northern Ireland (DEFRA have assigned the control code GB-ORG-09 for such activities) and by the European Commission.
The Organic Trust upholds the integrity of organic food.
Do not hesitate to contact us on 045 882377 to find out how we can support your business