The Organic Trust
About Us
The Organic Trust is Ireland’s premier organic certification organisation and is an acknowledged centre of excellence due to the broad range of organic technical expertise available to our members.
The Organic Trust was founded in 1992 by a core group of dedicated organic producers which included some of the pioneers of organic food production in Ireland – in fact some of these ‘pioneers’ continue to be organically licensed by our organisation up to the present day! The Organic Trust was established to ensure that a robust system of inspection and certification prevailed so that consumers could fully rely on the integrity of organic food bearing the Organic Trust logo.
Established as a not-for-profit organisation, the mission of the Organic Trust is to assure consumers that food labelled as ‘organic’ and bearing the Organic Trust and EU organic logos, has been produced to strict standards of organic production. The Organic Trust logo is more than just a trade mark - it is representative of organic standards that have been developed to embody our organic principles of health, ecology, fairness and care. Our livestock standards are based on the five freedoms:
- Freedom from malnutrition
- Freedom from thermal and physical discomfort
- Freedom from injury and disease
- Freedom from fear and distress
- Freedom from unnecessary restrictions of behaviour
To this end, the Organic Trust has established a robust inspection & certifications system which is based on the organisation’s in-depth knowledge and expertise in all areas of organic production – our systems are subject to external verification and accreditation on an annual basis – and as a minimum we fully observe the legislative requirements laid down in the EU organic regulations.
We have an unrivalled reputation for standards of excellence in the provision of our services; in the friendly & approachable relationship which we nurture with our member and in the rigorous application of the prevailing organic standards – quite simply the Organic Trust upholds the integrity of organic food!
Approval & Accreditation
The Organic Trust is approved by the European Commission; by the Department of Agriculture, Food & The Marine (approval code IE-ORG-03 – Republic of Ireland) and by DEFRA (approval code GB-ORG-09 – UK).
The Organic Trust is accredited by INAB (Irish National Accreditation Board) to ISO 17065.
Integrity & Impartiality
The Organic Trust is fully committed to the delivery of the highest levels of integrity and impartiality in our inspection and certification scheme. This commitment ensures that we do not allow commercial, financial or other pressures to compromise any aspect of our impartiality.